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NBC’s annual Golf Tournament 2021

The Norwegian Business Council is pleased to invite to
the NBC’s annual Golf Tournament 2021

This is a “Low key” event and just for fun so even if it is a while since you played golf please join us for a fun day out at the course.

If you are not a golf player, but would like a fun night out please join us for the dinner (you will also have a chance to win some prizes)

Date: Friday 16th April
Time: Registration from 11:30 AM
Tee off: 1:30 PM Shotgun
Venue: Jumeirah Golf Estate

Format: Texas Scramble (Team of 4 playing the best ball)

Dinner (served) and rewards from 6:30 / 7.00 pm

Fee: AED 575 for Nordic Business Council Members / AED 725 for pre-members
Dinner only at AED 170 (members) / AED 220 pre-members

RSVP by email before 4th of April to:
For more info visit the website here.

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