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How SEK and EKN can help your business grow in Asia - Webinar

How SEK and EKN can help your business grow in Asia - Webinar

Did you know that Sweden offers a government-backed export credit system designed to facilitate and promote exports, as well as enhance the internationalisation and competitiveness of Swedish industry? This combined system helps streamline the financing of transactions with Swedish exporting companies, offering significant benefits for all parties involved.

Join us in cooperation with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in APAC and ME who have invited SEK​ and EKN​ - the key players behind Sweden's export credit system - to explain how Swedish businesses across the region can take advantage of this system to simplify financing for transactions involving Swedish exporters.

Although the main focus is on Asia, there will still be much important info for the UAE as well.


Date: Wednesday 5th March
Time: 11 - 12 noon
Venue: Online. A link will be send closer to the event.
Prices: Free for corporate members of SBC, Young Professional and Professional members, AED 50 for Social Members and Swedish Ladies, and AED 150 for pre-member.
Price includes VAT. Full refund up to 48h before the event.
RSVP register and pay through this link before 3rd March.

Any questions please email us:

4 March

Canada Week

13 March
