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We look forward to welcoming you to the 11th edition of the FBC Golf Championships! With Dubai Expo 2020 at our doorstep we have a significant year ahead. We welcome everyone to join us for a fun day of golf and/or an evening of networking at Jumeirah Golf Estates!
Date: Thursday 14th October
Time: Tee times from 1pm. Networking with Dinner Party from 7pm
Venue: Jumeirah Golf Estates
Price: AED 330 for SBC and FBC Members, AED 430 for pre-members. JGE members only pay a tournament fee of AED AED 100.
Only attending the dinner: AED 175 SBC and FBC Members, AED 200 pre-members (3h drinks packages sold at the door, starting from AED 275)
RSVP by 1st October.
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